Delivering the Message of Faith by Streaming In Good Faith.
More Than Just StreamingInspirational Impact

Streaming Plans

What happens when you sign up?
We set up your webcast channel on our network, we send you the configuration settings in order to successfully broadcast your ministry, we send you the link to place on your web site or give your visitors in order to access your broadcast media page on our network, and we place links on the media page to allow the viewers to support the network with contributions to pay for the platform supporting your broadcast. We can also place links on your media page to allow viewers the option to give donations to your ministry!

Choose Your Plan Below

Choose an Annual Plan and Save Money! Click HERE to save!
(Annual Plans come with TWO MONTHS FREE)



+$600 Streaming Media Landing Page Setup

Preferred Information:

  • VIEWER HOURS* – 300
  • Custom Branded Media Stream Page
  • Access Controlled Public Chat Configuration
  • Optionally Customized Payment Capture Page
* Viewing hours based on 750 kbps

Preferred Plus
(Includes Video Storage)


+$850 Streaming Media Landing Page & Archive Setup

Preferred Plus Information:

  • VIEWER HOURS* - 300
  • Custom Branded Media Stream Page
  • Access Controlled Public Chat Configuration
  • Optionally Customized Payment Capture Page
  • 10GB Video Archive Storage
    (15 Hours at 1024kbps)
* Viewing hours based on 750 kbps



+$600 Streaming Media Landing Page Setup

Premium Information:

  • BANDWIDTH – 2,000GB
  • VIEWER HOURS* – 6,000
  • Custom Branded Media Stream Page
  • Access Controlled Public Chat Configuration
  • Optionally Customized Payment Capture Page
* Viewing hours based on 750 kbps

Premium Plus
(Includes Video Storage)


+$850 Streaming Media Landing Page & Archive Setup

Premium Plus Information:

  • BANDWIDTH – 2,000GB
  • VIEWER HOURS* – 6,000
  • Custom Branded Media Stream Page
  • Access Controlled Public Chat Configuration
  • Optionally Customized Payment Capture Page
  • 50GB Video Archive Storage
    (75 Hours at 1024kbps)
* Viewing hours based on 750 kbps



+$600 Streaming Media Landing Page Setup

Platinum Information:

  • BANDWIDTH – 5,000GB
  • VIEWER HOURS* – 15,000
  • Custom Branded Media Stream Page
  • Access Controlled Public Chat Configuration
  • Optionally Customized Payment Capture Page
* Viewing hours based on 750 kbps

Platinum Plus
(Includes Video Storage)


+$850 Streaming Media Landing Page & Archive Setup

Platinum Plus Information:

  • BANDWIDTH - 5,000GB
  • VIEWER HOURS* - 15,000
  • Custom Branded Media Stream Page
  • Access Controlled Public Chat Configuration
  • Optionally Customized Payment Capture Page
  • 100GB Video Archive Storage
    (150 Hours at 1024kbps)
* Viewing hours based on 750 kbps
All Plans Include:
Akamai-Quality Streaming · No Viewer Limits · Multi-Bitrate · Secure Delivery · Mobile Device Support · Prepaid Extra Bandwidth Available | Delivering the Message of Faith by Streaming In Good Faith

Company By
KESHANDE Technology
5700 Tennyson Pkwy.
3rd Floor, Suite #300
Plano, TX 75024

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